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48 Fox Hollow Lane
Northport, Maine

207 975-2007

Our farm is nestled in an idyllic setting between the mountains and ocean along the beautiful mid coast area of Maine.  We are home to a herd of Lowline Angus cattle that come from high quality Australian lineage.

Winter 2015 (39).JPG

A Sample Side of Beef


*Quantities vary on animal weights

London Broil.......................5lbs

Chuck..................................15lbs (steaks & roasts)

Rib Eye................................9 lbs

Tenderloin...........................5lbs, 4lbs

Loin Steaks.........................14lbs (Club, T-bone, Porterhouse)

NY Sirloin............................4lbs


Bottom Round....................8lbs

Eye of the Round...............8lbs (minute steaks or roasts)

Top Round..........................11lbs (roasts & steaks)

Short Ribs...........................8lbs

Face Rump.........................8lbs

Stew Meat..........................22lbs


Soup Bones.......................4lbs